Provides full text for nearly 7,695 journals covering the social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, education, and much more. 3,834 include full text, 2,788 are peer reviewed.
This is the institutional version of Access the world's largest online collection of family records and resources, with billions of names from U.S., U.K., and Canadian census and vital records, immigration records and passenger lists, military histories and records, and more.
Provides indexing and abstracts for over one million articles in 1,700 journals from over 50 countries. This database, provided by the American Psychological Association, also includes abstracts for dissertations, books and book chapters ranging in date from 1887 to the present
Scite is a powerful tool that uses AI technology to evaluate citations and the credibility of scholarly resources in every field of study. The information found on Scite is continuously updated to provide accurate results and citation context for researchers. Scite can help students and researchers make informed decisions about the sources they use and organize their research using their AI assistant, the reference checker, and the personalized dashboard tool.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
CNN’s specials and feature programming on business, economics, technology, environmental studies, health, women’s studies, and human rights are some of the highest-quality video being produced today. To meet the needs of educational and public libraries worldwide, we are proud to present The CNN Video Collection, to spark classroom discussions, to support scholarly research, and to inform and engage students on the topics that impact today’s world.
Scite is a powerful tool that uses AI technology to evaluate citations and the credibility of scholarly resources in every field of study. The information found on Scite is continuously updated to provide accurate results and citation context for researchers. Scite can help students and researchers make informed decisions about the sources they use and organize their research using their AI assistant, the reference checker, and the personalized dashboard tool.