When you log into CentralSearch from off-campus to use the library-provided subscription databases, you are accessing library resources via a proxy server. A proxy server allows verified users of the college community to access restricted resources (i.e. resources paid for by the library) from anywhere in the world.
Below is the verbiage for some common proxy server errors. Please report these messages so that they can be corrected. Proxy server changes need 24 hours to update:
“404 “Page not Found”
"Failure, unrecognized title"
"To allow /login?url=http://www.NEWURL.com/ to work, your EZproxy administrator must first authorize this within the ezproxy.cfg file.
Within this database's section of the file, the following line must be added:
Host www.NEWURL.com
The EZproxy server must then be restarted to make this change take effect."
To report an error message for a database or journal please provide as much information as possible on the online form to report a technical issue.