Analyzing Journals Using Scopus:
The Total Citations chart shows the number of times documents from the journal were cited in other documents during a specific year. Place your cursor on a data point on the Total Citations chart for an explanation of the information displayed.
The Articles Published chart shows the number of documents published in the journal during a specific year. Place your cursor on a data point on the Articles Published chart for an explanation of the information displayed.
The Trend Line chart shows the number of citations a journal has received in a year divided by the number of articles published in the same year. Place your cursor on a data point on the Trend Line chart for an explanation of the information displayed.
The % Not Cited chart shows the percentage of the articles in a journal that have not been cited in other articles. Place your cursor on a data point on the % Not Cited chart for an explanation of the information displayed.
To look at this information in a table format, click the Data View button. The titles of the journals which appear in the chart are listed in the key below the chart. Click the Show info link to display the journal publication information.
SCIMago Journal & Country Rank is a database that provides a measure of the scientific prestige of scholarly sources: value of weighted citations per document and is inspired by Google's Page Rank algorithm. It is a free source that uses data from Elsevier's Scopus database and includes journal indicators developed from the information contained in the Scopus database since 1996.
The SCImago site has a number of indicators, including SciMago Journal Rank (SJR) , h-Index, Total Documents, Total Documents (3 years), Total References, Total Cites (3 years), Citable Documents (3 years), Cites per document (2 years) and Reference per Document. Journals may be ranked by major subject areas, more specific subject categories, SJR, h-index, etc.
Google Scholar Metrics provides information about journal rankings and ratings by various metrics. Browse the top 100 publication titles in 9 different languages, or search by broad subject research areas and numerous subcategories. Scholar Metrics uses those articles published between 2011 and 2015 and citation from all articles indexed in Google Scholar.
Google Scholar Metrics
Coverage of Publications (as of July 2023 from Google Scholar):
Scholar Metrics currently cover articles published between 2017 and 2021, both inclusive. The metrics are based on citations from all articles that were indexed in Google Scholar in June 2022. This also includes citations from articles that are not themselves covered by Scholar Metrics.
Since Google Scholar indexes articles from a large number of websites, we can't always tell in which journal a particular article has been published. To avoid misidentification of publications, we have included only the following items:
Furthermore, we have specifically excluded the following items:
Overall, Scholar Metrics cover a substantial fraction of scholarly articles published in the last five years. However, they don't currently cover a large number of articles from smaller publications.
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