Provides access to current and retrospective bibliographic information, author abstracts, and cited references found in over 1,700 of the world's leading scholarly social sciences journals covering more than 50 disciplines. Coverage: 1990-present.
Provides full text for nearly 7,695 journals covering the social sciences, humanities, general science, multi-cultural studies, education, and much more. 3,834 include full text, 2,788 are peer reviewed.
SAGE Online Journals includes international, peer-reviewed journals, including high-impact research titles published on behalf of nearly 300 scholarly and professional societies. Its interdisciplinary coverage spans subject areas including business; humanities; social sciences; science, technology, medicine; and many more. Full text articles are provided for over 700 e-journals (dates of coverage may vary).
Health & Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI) is a comprehensive database providing information about behavioral measurement instruments. Information in the database is abstracted from hundreds of leading journals covering health sciences and psychosocial sciences.
Mental Measurements Yearbook, produced by the Buros Institute at the University of Nebraska, provides users with a comprehensive guide to over 2,000 contemporary testing instruments. The MMY series contains information essential for a complete evaluation of test products within such diverse areas as psychology, education, business, and leadership. Coverage is from Volume 9 to the present. Also produced by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements at the University of Nebraska, Tests in Print (TIP) serves as a comprehensive bibliography to all known commercially available tests that are currently in print in the English language. TIP provides vital information to users including test purpose, test publisher, in-print status, price, test acronym, intended test population, administration times, publication date(s), and test author(s).
Provides indexing and abstracts for over one million articles in 1,700 journals from over 50 countries. This database, provided by the American Psychological Association, also includes abstracts for dissertations, books and book chapters ranging in date from 1887 to the present
Features more than 1,300,000 records with subject headings from a 15,600 term sociology-specific thesaurus designed by expert lexicographers. SocINDEX with Full Text contains full text for 242 "core" coverage journals dating back to 1895, and 72 "priority" coverage journals. This database also includes full text for 547 books and monographs, and full text for 6,711 conference papers.
Kanopy is a streaming video service that offers international films and documentaries across diverse subjects and disciplines. Collections include titles from the DEFA Film Library, ArtMattan Films, HBO, PBS, Frameline, Ruscico, Pragda, BBC, Flicker Alley, National Film Board of Canada, First Run Features, Cinema Libre Studio, New Day Films, and the Criterion Collection/Janus Films.