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Library Services 2024-25

This guide explains how you can access library services and resources, updated for the 2024-25 academic year. It includes information about hours & services available for students, faculty, and guests at the Elihu Burritt Library.

Course Reserves Basics

Assigned readings and other materials for a class are put on reserve in the library so that all students have access to the material. These "course reserves" include books (including some textbooks), photocopied material, class notes, videos, CDs, etc. To access course reserves, you need a valid BlueNet ID and password. Physical materials are available in the library for short term loans ranging from 2 hours to 7 days. Materials on reserve are searched in CentralSearch's Course Reserves scope.

Some reserves are also available in digital format.
Review the "How to find digital course reserves" section for step-by-step instructions on finding these materials through CentralSearch.

Browse / Find Digital Course Reserves
Sign Into CentralSearch

to Access Digital Course Reserves

How to find digital course reserves

This guide shows you how to find and use course reserves that are digitized & offered through the library's CentralSearch (Primo/Alma) system. You will need to have your Bluenet ID to login to the system tor use these materials.

  1. Sign in to CentralSearch
    Screenshot of the CentralSearch interface - where to sign in and choose the "collections" option
  2. Go to "Collections" 
  3. Go to the "Digital Course Reserves" collection 
    Screenshot of the Collections screen of CentralSearch
  4. Find the digital course reserve material by choosing your professor's name 
    Screenshot of the subcollections of digital course reserves - browse by  professor name
  5. Find the file needed to fulfill your course assignment from the list 
    Screenshot of the list of files to choose from
  6. In the record for that file, there will be a link to the PDF file - choose "file/pdf" 
    Screenshot of link to file/pdf
  7. Click to download or print the digital course reserves material 
    Screenshot of digital course reserves material in viewer

How to access digital course reserves - video tutorial

Icon to indicate media player / video tutorialHow to access digital course reserves [Video Tutorial]:


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Elihu Burritt Library
Central Connecticut State University, 1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 06050 - Map

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