Subscription access to The Chronicle of Higher Ed is now available through the Elihu Burritt Library at https://bit.ly/chroniclehe.
The Chronicle is a leading publication about topics and trends shaping the future of higher education in the United States. Through the subscription, the CCSU community has unlimited access to articles, essays, daily news, and data back to 1989.
To access The Chronicle, you can either visit the library’s website and search for “The Chronicle of Higher Education” (then choose Online access) or go directly to The Chronicle’s website. If you go directly to The Chronicle’s website, click on “Register for a free account” and then create an account using your CCSU institutionally-issued email address; or, if you already have a Chronicle account associated with your institutionally-issued email address, just click “Sign In.”
The Chronicle of Higher Ed is provided as part of a shared subscription through the CSCU Library Consortium.