eBooks that are identical to the printed version are usually published in PDF format and downloadable by chapter.
eBooks that can only be read online in an HTML format. This kind of eBook is basically a webpage.
eBooks that imitate printed books contain text and sometimes give the reader the option to make notes, look up words, turn pages, etc. These eBooks are normally in the EPUB format, they are generally DRM-protected and require special software to read. (Most eBooks that are bought on a Kindle or in iBooks etc. are DRM-protected; however, they are not in the EPUB file-format).
Adobe Digital Editions allows you to read e-books offline and download them into a usable viewer. ADE supports EPUB formats as well as PDF documents.
Many of our EBSCO and ProQuest titles utilize this program for viewing publications. If you want to read one of these titles on your kindle, you can also download the app to your Kindle Fire. There is also a version of the app for iOS and Android.
Free Kindle reading apps are available for download to your desktop, tablet, or phone. With the Kindle app you can read PDF documents or Kindle eBooks with ease on any of your mobile devices.