Yes, EBSCO eBooks allows downloads in .pdf and .acsm.
To read entire texts on your Kindle Fire, iPad, and other devices, you must have the Bluefire installed on the device and an Adobe Digital Editions installed.
A free myEBSCO account is required for downloads.
Titles are only available to one person at a time. Checkout times and holds may be chosen by the user.
Yes, ProQuest eBook Central allows downloads in PDF and/or EPUB formats.
To download the entire book, you'll need Adobe Digital Editions on laptop/desktop, or Bluefire Reader on tablets and phones.
A free eBook Central account is required for downloads.
Titles are only available to one person at a time. The average usage of a title is 7-12 minutes; however, many titles can be checked out for 1 day.
As a browser based application, the R2 Digital Library can be accessed with any web-enabled device.
The R2 Digital Library operates on all major browsers and operating systems.
Patrons can print individual pages of the eBook as necessary up to 60 pages or 20% of the total HTML pages that make up the eBook.