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On this page you will find two boxes - one for tutorials and short quizzes related to finding resources and another for important resources. Within one of the boxes are tabbed pages (think tabbed dividers within a notebook!). Be sure to click on each tab to review all the information you need.
Use/Utilize the library’s website to find information sources and/or ask for help.
Find e-books and/or print books in the library’s collection using the CentralSearch catalog.
Find magazine, newspaper or scholarly journal articles using the library’s subscription databases (i. e. Academic Search Premier).
The tutorials below give you an overview of where you can find information at the library and online. There are seven short videos you can watch. Click the square lined icon in the top right of the video screen below to see the each video.
Where to find Information Tutorials ( Approx.1-3 minutes each) Click on lined square in top right corner.
Find Information Quiz
The Library databases provide background information on a variety of topics. (Find out more about Library databases on the 'Find Articles' tab.) This is a partial list of databases that are great for providing topic ideas for your research assignments. If you have question or need help, ask a Librarian!
Use the Library databases to find articles from scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers...and more!
You can find a complete database listing on the A-Z Databases page by clicking on the 'Databases' tab from the Library's homepage. Filter the listing by Subject (All Subjects) (such as Psychology) or Type of Database (All Database Types) (such as Primary Source or Reference) by pulling down those menus.
Here are tutorials on how to find articles using two database examples. Academic Search Premier has scholarly journal articles as well as magazine articles. US Newsstand features newspaper articles from across the United States.
There are many other research guides similar to this one covering certain subjects such as Psychology or Business, specific to a class you are attending or telling you about a library service such as Interlibrary loan. On the top bar of the Library's homepage, choose 'Research', then 'Reseach Guides' to bring you the Libguides page. Use the drop down guide menus (click on course guide, general purpose, subject guide, or topic guide) to see what is available.
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New Britain, CT 06050 - Map
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