Case studies are in-depth looks or detailed examinations of a particular event, scenario, or group. They can range from short examples to longer ones that take weeks to review and analyze. Because they help students translate course topics to real-world situations, case studies are popular teaching tools. Case studies can be found in many formats - standalone cases, articles, book chapters, videos, etc.
The State of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Business School Case Studies in the Journal of Business Diversity Vol. 21(3) 2021
"Case studies – using real-life business situations or imagined business scenarios – are a key pedagogical
tool for instruction within management education programs that inform students about business processes,
decision making, strategy, and leadership and management challenges. However, published case studies
used in business schools globally primarily include White male protagonists and do not incorporate key
topics related to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). This study analyzes trends in the identity/ies of
protagonists in case studies, as well as in topics related to DEI. Limitations and implications for case study
authors and faculty, business schools and case study publications are also discussed."