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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources (OER) at CCSU

Find Open Textbooks

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Start with a Plan

undefinedJust as we advise our students when conducting research to take the time to think about what they are looking for, where they might go, and what they might do when they get there, the same can be true for searching for OER. The OER Starter Kit provides a planning worksheet, short video on the search process, and tips and techniques for finding the OER you desire.

Find Open Educational Resources (OER)

Listed here are OER repositories. A repository may include textbooks, readings, videos, assignments, lessons, simulations, and other course-related materials.

Check out the Mason OER Metafinder search engine to help you locate OERs. It searches 21 of the leading OER repositories with a single query. Users can perform broad queries across all sources or they can search for terms in full record, title, or author(s). You can also specify a date range and narrow their searches to a specific date range.

Also, SUNY's OASIS, the Openly Available Sources Integrated Search that searches open content from 97 different sources.

See Videos on the "How to Find OER" page.


OER at the Elihu Burritt Library

Image of OER Collection in Primo

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Central Connecticut State University, 1615 Stanley Street, New Britain, CT 06050 - Map

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