Borrowing Library Materials
You must present a current CCSU (BlueChip) ID at the Circulation Desk located on the Main Level to take out materials. For details, see our pages on:
Cell Phone Use
When in quiet study areas such as the 4th floor, please turn off the ringer on your phone and take conversations into other areas of the library if necessary.
Computer Use
Most computers in the building require a BlueNet ID for logon; however, there are a few Citrix terminals located on each floor that do not require a logon. These public access terminals have Internet access and the full complement of subscription databases and E-journal collections. Visitors and guest borrowers may use subscription databases, etc. within the library but are not entitled to remote access. Use of these public terminals is limited to 2 hours per guest per day. All computers are primarily for student use. If students are waiting, visitors and guest borrowers may be asked to give up using a computer prior to the end of the two hour limit. Please refer to the CCSU Computer Use Policy (link below) for detailed guidelines concerning acceptable computer and network use.
Videotaping, Filming or Photographing
Any individual or organization who wishes to videotape, film or photograph in the Elihu Burritt Library must obtain the permission of the Director of Library Services or his designee. A completed form (link to form below) should be presented at the Circulation Desk when you arrive to videotape, film or photograph.